Opioid Stewardship
Coordinated interventions designed to improve, monitor, and evaluate the use of opioids in order to support and protect human health.
Opioid Stewardship may be described as coordinated interventions designed to improve, monitor, and evaluate the use of opioids in order to support and protect human health. This web page has been developed to help the public and health care practitioners become better informed about opioids and to help reduce and prevent harm.

Patients and Families
Opioids for pain after surgery
Download: English | French | Acknowledgements
Endorsements: Best Practice in Surgery, Canadian Association of General Surgeons, Canadian Orthopaedic Association, Mackenzie Health, North York General Hospital, Ontario Health, Providence Health Care, Saskatchewan Health Authority, Sinai Health System, University Health Network, University of Toronto, Winchester District Memorial Hospital -
Opioids for short-term pain
Download: English | French | Acknowledgements
Endorsements: Neighbourhood Pharmacy Association of Canada, Ontario Health, Saskatchewan Health Authority -
Managing pain after wisdom teeth removal
Download: English | French | Acknowledgements
Endorsements: Ontario -
Opioid Handout
Download: English | French
Endorsements: Neighbourhood Pharmacy Association of Canada, Pharmasave, Health PEI, Saskatchewan Health Authority -
Safe Storage and Disposal Information Card
Methadone for Opioid Use Disorder
Download: English | French | Acknowledgements
Endorsements: Saskatchewan -
Buprenorphine/Naloxone for Opioid Use Disorder
Download: English | French | Acknowledgements
Endorsements: Saskatchewan -
Structured Opioid Therapy
- Frequent vomiting from use of cannabis (pot/marijuana) | Acknowledgements
- Videos:
- Question Opioids – 2017
- Consumers Can Help Prevent Harm from Opioid Use!: English | French – 2013

Counselling Guide on Safe Storage and Disposal:
Additional Resources and Projects
Online Learning Modules: Opioids in Acute Pain: Ensuring Safer Daily Doses and Safer Quantities