The Institute for Safe Medication Practices Canada is a trusted partner in strengthening medication safety through learning, sharing, and acting to improve health care.

*New* Workshop! Advancing Continuous Quality Improvement in Community Pharmacies on March 6, 2025.

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Partner with ISMP Canada

Our team of experts analyze reports of medication errors from across the country and provide resources, education, and consulting services to improve medication safety.

The Canadian Medication Safety Network provides a chance to hear from health care providers and consumers about medication safety needs and opportunities from communities across the country.


We collect and analyze reports of medication errors and other issues so we can learn about the risks related to medications and collaboratively develop strategies to address them.

  • Practitioners, community pharmacies, consumers and caregivers can report your experiences with medication errors.
Submit a report


We share lessons learned, including compelling actionable, evidence-informed recommendations that organizations, practitioners, consumers, and caregivers can use to reduce the risks related to medications.

See the latest bulletins for healthcare professionals
See the latest consumer newsletters
See Shared Learning from Community Pharmacy Reporting


We partner to implement, sustain, and evaluate medication safety improvements in practice.

Want to act now?

Join the Canadian Medication Safety Network to be part of this medication safety community of learning!

Register for the Network

Consumers and caregivers

Organizations and Practitioners

2025 - Volume 25

ISMP Canada Impact

Our impact

Strengthening Medication Safety in Long-Term Care

The Ministry of Long-Term Care (MLTC) in Ontario is partnering with ISMP Canada to support long-term care homes in strengthening medication safety.

National Incident Data Repository for Community Pharmacies (NIDR)

ISMP Canada’s National Incident Data Repository for Community Pharmacies (NIDR) is a collection of reported medication incidents submitted anonymously by community pharmacies. Shared learning is available from Community Pharmacy Reporting and Learning.


The Canadian Medication Incident Reporting and Prevention System (CMIRPS) is a collaborative pan-Canadian program of Health Canada, ISMP Canada, Canadian Institute for Health Information, Patients for Patient Safety Canada and Healthcare Excellence Canada. The goal of CMIRPS is to reduce and prevent harmful medication incidents in Canada.