Oxytocin to Start or Advance Labour:
5 Questions to Ask
Oxytocin is a high-alert medication. Its use to start or advance labour has been identified as a high-risk area of practice. A patient handout was developed that provides information about the benefits and risks of oxytocin for these indications. It was designed, in collaboration with patients and providers, to supplement the conversation between health care providers and patients/care partners about oxytocin. The handout aims to increase the role of the patient as a partner in intravenous oxytocin safety.
- Acknowledgments
- Endorsements: Ontario, Horizon Health Network
- Overview of oxytocin safety initiative: EN / FR
- Implementation Guide
- Partnering with Patients! Oxytocin to Start or Advance Labour: 5 Questions to Ask – International Forum 2022 Poster
- Listen to a patient’s experience with oxytocin
In a recent Canadian survey (n = 61), 100% of patients and more than 70% of health care providers surveyed found this patient handout to be useful.
Funding for the initiative was provided through the Canadian Medication Safety Coalition which is co-chaired by the Healthcare Excellence Canada (previously Canadian Patient Safety Institute) and the Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP) Canada.