Live Virtual Interactive Workshops
ISMP Canada is pleased to offer our workshops virtually.
In-person workshops will resume when it is safe to do so.
Incident Analysis and Proactive Risk Assessment
This virtual workshop will provide professionals in health care with background theory and hands-on practice in incident analysis using Root Cause Analysis (RCA) and in proactive risk assessment using Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA).
Incident Analysis and Proactive Risk Assessment for Professionals in Health Care
Incident Analysis
Incident Analysis is a tool to investigate errors in health care through identifying the key contributing factors and developing actions to address them. Content includes a step-by-step approach using the Canadian Incident Analysis Framework, including a focus on human factors and quality improvement. Participants practice the incident analysis process through interactive exercises and group work.
Multi-Incident Analysis and Medication Safety Culture Assessment
This virtual workshop will provide participants with background theory and hands-on practice in using a multi-incident analysis to analyze a group of medication incidents that share a common topic and introduce a novel tool called the Medication Safety Culture Indicator Matrix (MedSCIM).
Medication Reconciliation and Best Possible Medication History
This live, virtual, interactive workshop teaches health care professionals the fundamentals of medication reconciliation (MedRec) and Best Possible Medication History (BPMH) while providing hands-on practice with case scenarios on how to conduct in-person and virtual medication history interviews.